Monday, June 10, 2013

School Years and Calendar Years

The school year officially ended over a week ago!  I already miss my most recent batch of kiddos -- they truly were a sweet bunch.

All the talk of "another year over" has gotten me thinking... do you think in school years or calendar years?  As in, does your year start in January and end in December, or does your year start in August and end in the summer?

I definitely think in school years.  A few months back I told a friend that I was going to go shopping for a new swimsuit at the end of the year.  She looked at me funny and said, "You know, there aren't many on the racks around Christmas-time."  Haha!  I often  have to specify "school year" or "calendar year" when speaking to family and friends, and this reminded me why!  I guess it's just one of the quirks of being a teacher.

I also find myself making what amount to my New Year Resolutions in May and June.  It's actually refreshing to make such plans and promises during this time of the year.  The warm energy of June inspires me more than the cold comfort of January.  I want to read and drink coffee and January; I want to get out and DO something during June.

My resolutions this year include: 

1.  Making copies AHEAD of time.  I mean weeks ahead.  It never fails that the copier is down when I really need it.

2.  Paint the kitchen cabinets.  *gulp*  Pray for me on this one.  We are pretty good DIYers, but I do fear ruining my cabinets!

3.  Stay six weeks ahead in lesson plans.  This year I was good at staying three weeks ahead, but I really want to start working in six week units.

4.  Add 10-20 new recipes to our collection.  Our mothers are both fabulous cooks (let's not even start on our grandmothers) and we want to learn all their secrets!

5.  Eat more vegetables.  Here's the obligatory diet-related resolution.  I really want to venture out and try some less popular vegetables.

So that's that!  Anyone else think in school years?  Any resolutions being, um, resolved?
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